Publications in Refereed Journals (GoogleScholar)

  1. A. Gautam, Divyesh Rana, Saksham Aggarwal, Swaraj Bhosle, Hritik Sharma, Deep Learning Approach to Automatically Recognise License Number Plates, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Accepted, 2023
  2. A. Gautam, Recent Advancements of Deep Learning in Detecting Breast Cancer: A Survey, Multimedia Systems, Accepted, 2022
  3. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Brain Strokes Classification by Extracting Quantum Information from CT Scans", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Accepted on 26th July 2021
  4. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Towards Accurate Classification of Skin Cancer from Dermatology Images", IET Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 1971-1986, 2021
  5. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Towards effective classification of brain hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke using CNN", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 63, pp. 102178, 2021
  6. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Local Gradient of Gradient Pattern: A Robust Image Descriptor for the Classification of Brain Strokes from Computed Tomography Images", Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 23, pp. 797–817, 2020
  7. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Segmentation of Ischemic Stroke Lesion from 3D MR Images using Random Forest", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 78, No. 6, pp. 6559–6579, 2019
  8. A. Gautam, B. Raman, S. Raghuvanshi, "A Hybrid Approach for the Delineation of Brain Lesion from CT Images" , Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 504-518, 2018

Publications in Conferences

  1. P. Durgapal, D. Rana, S. Aggarwal, A. Gautam, "Defective fruit classification using variations of GAN for augmentation", Accepted in IEEE UPCON 2022.
  2. R. Shah, A. Gautam, S. K. Singh, "Generative Adversarial Networks for Inpainting Occluded Face Images", Accepted in IEEE CICT 2022
  3. R. Shah, A. Gautam, S. K. Singh, "Overview of Image Inpainting Techniques: A Survey" , Proceedings of IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP-2022) Conference, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, India, it was held on 1st-3rd July, 2022.
  4. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Skin Cancer Classification from Dermoscopic Images using Feature Extraction Methods", Proceedings of IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON) 2020, pp. 958-963, 2020
  5. A. Gautam, D. Sadhya, B. Raman, "A Modified FCM-Based Brain Lesion Segmentation Scheme for Medical Images", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, pp. 149-159, 2019
  6. A. Gautam, B. Raman, "Automatic Segmentation of Intracerebral Hemorrhage from Brain CT Images", Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Signal Analysis, pp. 753-764, 2019
  7. A. Gautam, B. Raman, S. Raghuvanshi, "Automatic Classification of Leukocytes using Morphological Features and Naïve Bayes Classifier", Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference TENCON 2016, pp. 1023-1027, 2018